Anuncie Grátis

Cessna Citation ISP – Ano 1983 à Venda

Preço: US$1.700.000,00

Horas Totais de célula: 6.000

Motor Esquerdo: 1.800 horas disponíveis

Motor Direito: 2.800 horas disponíveis

Low total hours Garmin upgrades
Excellent engine times
Sierra II Mods
Freon Air
Fresh Phase 5 in progress

Total Time Since New: 8,365
Total Cycles Since New: 6,520 FAR Part 91

8 Passenger tan leather interior
AFT 3-place divan
FWD 2-place sofa w/ lav
Beiger Berber carpet
Rated 7.5
Sierra Expanded Interior, Sierra Radome Mod,
Sierra Glareshield Mod, Sierra Aft Baggage Mod Rfurbished 2000

Matterhorn white w/black & blue stripes New in 2000 – Good condition

Upgraded Garmin Panel including the Sierra Glareshield modification
Garmin 530 w/TAWS
Garmin 430 Com/Nav GPS
Dual Garmin GTX 327 Transponders
King KNR 675 Marker Beacon Receiver Avidyne FlightMax 750 MFD
Bendix ART 2000 Radar
Skywatch (Traffic Avoidance) Collins 650 ADF
Sperry SPZ-500 Autopilot and Flight Director RVSM Approved

Standby Artificial Horizon
Flight Phone VI
Thrust reversers Freon Air
Lead Acid Battery Digital Clock
Angle of Attack

Currently undergoing a fresh Phase 5 inspection Phase 1-4 c/w September 2022

A aeronave acima é de terceiros, os dados estão sujeitos a verificação.

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Informações de Contato
Nome Completo: Paulo Henrique Ribeiro Weber Filho
País:   Outros/Others
Estado:   Outros/Others
Cidade:   Outros/Others
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Anunciado em 20/08/2024 | Visualizações: 162 | Anúncio nº 25573
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